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United States Peace Corps
United States Peace Corps

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NPCA Peace Corps Connect

Boston Area Peace Corps
Boston Area Returned Peace Corps

Salamatu Foundation
Salamatu Foundation

International Institute
International Institute of Rhode Island

Assault Family
The Sexual Assault & Trauma Resource Center

Life For a Child
Life For A Child with Diabetes

Donna Figueroa's report on the work-a-thon for Camp Joslin

International Federation Diabetes
International Diabetes Federation

Friends of Liberia
Friends of Liberia

RIrpcvs walked for the Salamatu Foundation. Pictures

Retruned Volunteers walked for the Salamatu Foundation fund raiser in June 2005.

Report October 2010 Leh Wi Tok meeting.

Report Rasoi Indian Restaurant meeting December 9, 2009

See pictures and a description of our Spring Gathering 2009 May 20, 2009

Kickoff Dinner at Apsara
October 15, 2008

March 20, 2007 Meeting at India Club

Report: the November 16, 2005 Meeting at Apsara

Mary Helen Hughes and Pam Rubinoff Report October Meeting

Ginger Harkey host meeting. Amanda Fogle-Donmoyer sent off to Benin, a second generation PCV.

Dinner in Senegal at Bayal Buffet

Pictures of the Fall Gathering at the Beach September 2005

Congratulations to Sasha and Jenifer Moskalenko!
Nicholas Moskalenko was born August 31st.
Jenifer served as a PCV in the Ukraine. She served as Group Leader for RIrpcv for two years. See pictures

RI rpcvs send off Malaika. In July 2005 Jim and Judy Alexander celebrated, with RI rpcvs, their daughter's departure for Peace Corps Jamaica.

RI rpcvs worked to clean up housing area in Pawtucket in October 2004.

Reports by Mark Holland (Malawi 95-97) and by Group Leader Jenifer Moskalenko on the Bird Watch at Norman Bird Sanctuary November 21, 2004

Allocation Committee March 8, 2006

Jim Alexander's Report on Allocations

Past Newsletters

Calendar of Events

Wednesday, May 22nd, 2019

100 Save the Bay Drive, Providence 02905

Annual meeting of RIrpcv s

More details to follow via e-mail and on Facebook.

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Get to know Tamara:
Hello, my name is Tamara Burman, RPCV who served in the Sustainable Community/Economic Development sector from 2014-2016. Kyrgyzstan is a small Central Asian country near Kazakhstan and China. Most of my work in PC was with improving the overall functioning of a small NGO working in democracy and small businesses. I also did work with tourism, preschools, leadership, and culture clubs; all the normal PCV stuff. Since coming back in the summer of 2016, I connected with the group at our Save the Bay meetup where I volunteered to help with communications and Facebook stuff. I helped to host a few meetups and was hopeful to get things going. This past fall I moved to Chicago for a few months for a position that just didn't work out. So now I am back home, excited to work as your co-President to formalize the workings of the group to offer structure, vision, and more opportunities for connections to support and connect each other and Peace Corps. I am starting a new position as a community organizer working on health equity in Woonsocket and West Warwick as my fulltime gig. I am glad that Emily and Pam have been such good friends and supporters in our mutual commitment to the group and mission! My personal email is for future connections. 


Get to know Emily:
Hi, everybody! For those of you who I haven’t met yet, I’m a Youth Development RPCV from Peru who served from 2012 - 2016. After two years in a rural Andean community, I extended to serve as a volunteer coordinator with PC Peru in Lima (Peru’s capital) and head our Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment Committee. While working in PC Peru’s national office, I also spent a few days a week with CARE Peru in their Education and Gender Equality programs, and my last 6 months in country working on gender-based violence prevention with Peru’s Ministry of Women and Vulnerable Populations. I’m originally from Middletown where I currently live, and work at the Business Innovation Factory (BIF) in Providence, a non-profit strategy design consultancy that works with client institutions to reimagine healthcare, education, and social services. I got connected with the RI RPCV group in Fall 2016 and have attended many of our events since then (and have helped organize a few). Like Tamara, I’ve also helped Pam and a few others with our social media, website, group by-laws (still in progress!), and have served as our NPCA liaison. I’m very excited about continuing to fortify our group and grow the RPCV (+ supporters!) community in lil’ Rhody in the future, and look forward to seeing/meeting everyone at a gathering soon! In the meantime, I can be reached at

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View Pam Rubinoff's

Financial Report 2013

Finacial Report 2012

for Rhode Island Returned Peace Corps Volunteers.


Cleanup the Beach 2009

Clean Bay Campus Beach 2012

Clean Beach 2005



RI-RPCV Administrative Volunteers

Function Officer Phone e-address
Group Leader Tamara Burman
Group Leader Emily McGinnis
Treasurer Nathan Watchous    
Secretary Kaitlyn Morgan    
Board Member at Large Joan Mathieu  
Calendar Sales Su Rubinoff
NPCA Liaison      
Web site Stan Premy
Comunications Laura Bechard