RIRPCV Donation Allocation Committee Meeting Nominationst
March 8, 2006, 6:00pm, Bolivian Restaurant in Providence, RI
Allocation Committee Members:
Barbara Fontaine, Karen Boulanger, Dan Donaghue, Stan Premy, Faith Fogle, and Jenifer Moskalenko
Money to allocate: $1200.00
Nominations sent in by RPCV’s:
- 1. Library in Namibia
- 2. PCV’s project in Benin
- 3. Nettie and the Malawi’s Children Village
- 4. Unicef
- 5. RI Chapter of the American Red Cross
- 6. Kryvoy Rog English and Environmental Center in Ukraine
After discussing each nominated project and how much money we had to allocate, the following projects were designated to be given a donation:
- 1. The Library in Namibia (established in memory of Kyrstin Scharninghausen a fellow RIPCV who died during her service in Namibia).
- 2. Nikki Classroom Construction Project in Benin (this is a project by a current PCV-Amanda Fogle-DonMoyer who is trying to raise funds to help build a much classroom expansion in Benin).
- 3. Nettie and the Malawi Children’s Village (RIRPCV Jennie Crooks has been involved in helping Nettie and the Childrens Village)
- 4. The Kryvoy Rog English and Environmental Resource Center (established by RIRPCV Jenifer Moskalenko, the center needs funds to update the resource center which is used by teachers and students from all the schools/universities in the city of Kryvoy Rog.