RIRPCV Association Meeting
November 16, 2005
In attendance: Jenifer Moskalenko, Virginia Paine, Pamela Elizabeth, Marc Forte, Patrick Hannel, Rebecca Songolo, Mark Holland, Barbara Fontaine, Karen Boulanger, Heather Ross, Sandra Vines, Chris Stone, Chris Walsh, Katie Dyer, Jane Dyer, Glennis & Stan Premy
Jennifer Moskalenko opened the meeting and asked that members introduce each other.
Jenifer Moskalenko informed the group about the Feinstein Foundation that provides matching funds to South Providence Neighborhood Ministries (SPNM). Food collected will be matched by cash donations to support nutrition, health and child care programs. Food donations can be brought to SPNM at 747 Broad St. or call for more information at 401-461-7509.
Virginia Paine spoke about the need to publicize the “Peace Tags” similar to what the Madison group does for the calendars via post cards. Katie volunteered to help with this and do an electronic version.
Katie Dyer informed the group that Cadeaux du Monde is hosting a silent art auction and exhibition on December 8th from 5-8pm to benefit the Tomorrow Fund. This fund provides emotional and financial support to children with cancer and their families. Katie sent an e-mail with details of this event to members.
Heather Ross spoke about the Refugee Resettlement Program of the International Institute of RI. The program is looking for volunteers to become friends with refugee families – to meet with them once a month to talk about Rhode Island and our culture. For more information call Healther Ross at 793-4432 or Sandra Vines at 784-8654.
Barabara Fontaine gave the Treasury Report. We have 593.92 left in our account. This doesn’t include recent calendar sales. She named the groups who received money last year.
Jenifer Moskalenko asked for volunteers to serve on the funds allocation committee. Volunteers should be members who have paid their dues. The group concluded that we don’t necessarily have to give funds to the same organizations, but agreed we should continue funding the Kyrstin Scharninghausen Memorail Library in Namibia because Kyrsten came from RI. Members who want to serve on the funds allocation committee should contact Jenifer.
The next meeting will be held in February. We’ll plan a pot luck meeting. The meeting in the spring will be the nature walk and IIRI Carnival Ball.