RIRPCV’s Team Together in Property Cleanup

 September 27th was a perfect fall day for a community service gathering!

As the surveys showed, volunteers want to get involved in community service activities, so we kicked off the first of community service projects by cleaning up and beautifying a property in Pawtucket.

RI Returned Peace Corps volunteers teamed up with Citizens Bank volunteers, to assist the Affordable Housing Citizens Development Corporation project. From 11-2, RIRPCV’s Virginia Paine, Mary Hughes, and Jenifer Moskalenko planted flowers and bulbs, stained staircases, and cleaned up the property on Barton Street in Pawtucket. 

As we all participated in every aspect, Virginia was a great asset to the project as she brought to the group her planting expertise.  Mary was a whiz at staining the staircases, and Jenifer tackled cleaning up soil that was actually lead contaminated and removal was requested by the Department of Health.  Now the residents can not only breathe easier, but can also take pride in their home and property. Onlookers watched as they walked on by and we even received a compliment of how good the newly stained staircases looked!  This made us feel proud of our work and we walked away feeling happy that we could make such a difference by volunteering just a few hours of our time.

Check out the RIRPCV website in the future for more volunteer activities and events.  If you have suggestions for any future activities please email jeniferanne121@yahoo.com

 Click to see slides of work Project