Rasoi Indian Restaurant Meeting
December 9, 2009

Those present were:

Faith Fogle, Dillon Ryder, Barbara Fontaine,Jennie Crooks, Bruce Crooks, Katie Dyer, Bonnie Schultz Platzer, Peggy Benz, Betsy Meany, Wendy Davis, Jean Pohler, Maria Robles, Ellen Simmons, Becky Champlain, K Porata, Anna Nehring, Katherine Nehring.

RIRPCV Agenda for 12/9/09 meeting

  1. Treasurer’s Report.

    Balance as of October 31, 2009 = $1634.92. The calendars are paid for, but two $200 charities did not cash our checks.
    • HOW WE SPENT MONEY: $200 each to:
    • Salamatu Foundation Namibia for library and health education
    • R I Community Food Bank
    • Life for a Child (International diabetes foundation)
    • Development and Education Program for Daughters and Communities- (anti-sex
    • Trafficking in Thailand)
    Checks Not cashed (Barbara is following up):
    • Nettle’s Sewing Project
    • Cameroon Mbrsa students.
  2. Plan future events (50th Peace Corps anniversary in 2011)

  3. New officers needed:

    a. President
    b. Treasurer
    c. Secretary
  4. DUES: Local: $15, National: $35 Both: $50 Check to RIRPCVs.

    Include your name, address, telephone number, e-mail if you have it, Country and years of service. Send to Barbara Fontaine at 681 Kingstown Rd. #108, Wakefield, RI 02879-3006.
  5. Paid Members (as known to Treassurer)

    • Benz to 11/09
    • Boulanger to 6/10
    • Caridad to 11/09
    • Crooks to 7/10
    • Droel to 1/10
    • Dyer to 8/09
    • Fontaine to 3/10
    • Goulis, Platzer, Rice, Rubinoff to 7/10
    • Gray to 12/09
    • Hanner to 10/09
    • Premy to 11/09
    • Sartori to 3/10
    • Pomfret to 4/10
    • Smith and Stanhope to 6/10
    • Woolman to 8/10
    • Swain to 10/10.