We Walked for Salamatu Foundation

On a beautiful Fall day on the South County Bike Path we walked.

It is not too late to support the work in Namibia. Please make checks payable to: Salamatu Foundation. Send it to:
Salamatu Foundation
PO Box 92
Carolina, RI 02812

Kyrstin Scharninghausen Memorial Library Oupumako, Namibia

Salamatu is the Hausa name given to Kyrstin when she was in Niger in 1993 as an exchange student at the University of Niamey. The English translation of Salamatu is "Sunshine". We would like to spread Kyrstin's sunshine

For details and more information on the memorial library


If you did not have the opportunity to participate in the Salamatu Foundation walkathon June 12 but would like to make a contribution click on the link above for information.